World Health Organization

The WHO is an agency of the United Nations that provides leadership on all matters relating to global health. It was founded in 1948, and today it constitutes the authority for all health-related topics in the UN, such as HIV/AIDS, Ebola, and COVID-19, but also issues such as nuclear power and bioweapons. Within the past year, the WHO has provided many recommendations regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, and their work has formed the response of many members of the International Community.

Claire Noelker

Joint Deputy Chair (JDC)

Saint Joseph Academy

Alexa Feicks

Head Chair (HC)

Bay High School

Devney Rich

Joint Deputy Chair (JDC)

Chardon High School

Topics & Research Reports:

The Question of Leveraging Technology for Safe Health Solutions

The Question of the Costs of Global Mental Health Advocacy

The Question of the Cost Ethics Around International Exportations and Importations of Pharmaceutical Medications

The Question of Equality of Access to Primary Health Care in Israel-Palestine Conflict